Jan 31, 2012

Well, crap, It's been a while.

Blogger tells me that it's been a year since my last post. I'm thinking of this as a re-launch, a new start, a new blog even. My past year, I have done barely anything toward the goals I laid out in this blog. I'll admit it, my grades are still crap, and I haven't accomplished much. I've failed so far. That's gonna change now.

Failure is inevitable. The trick, one I've never gotten the hang of, is to never let failure stop you. I've failed, I admit it, but now I must get up, brush myself off, and keep going. (That sounded trite. Maybe my writing is out of practice)

In addition to a renewed commitment to posting here, my writing will take a thematic turn. I have said that I'll write whatever I feel like, but I may try a new way of doing it. First, I'll start writing more short posts. I've been afraid of turning into a tumblr before, but I read a few blogs that mix short and long posts, and think I could do that, too. Second, as I become more open about my atheism, more posts on that topic will pop up (Though that means I won't be able to tell certain family members about my blog. Oh well.).

I want this blog to be a forum for it's readers, so please comment as much as you like. I'd love to hear from you. Keep an eye on my Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr for updates. (Anyone know how to automate that? I'll poke around.)

Thanks for reading!